Tag Archives: memories

10 Years Gone, But Not Forgotten

Today, February 23, is the 10th anniversary of the day my friend Eric was killed responding to an IED in Iraq. Not a day has passed since that I haven’t thought about him and his family.

One of my first encounters with Eric was my first day at 18th EOD, Ft. Bragg. He threatened to make me do pushups if I ever called him Sergeant again. He probably would have too.

We had some great late night conversations on training and temporary duty trips. One night at some fast food place in Huntsville, AL, our conversation turned to plans for after the Army. I don’t remember what I said at all, but I remember Eric talking about wanting to become a cop. He would have made a great cop.

I try to focus on the good memories of Eric. Unfortunately, his death and all the events of that day crowded that out for a long time. They still sometimes flow together through how the mind relates ideas. Time takes the edge off, and experience helps to differentiate. I don’t want to forget, though, because sometimes the the good memories come to the forefront through their relations to the bad.

I’m lucky to have called Eric a friend. He left an impression on me, and I changed for the better having him in my life for those few years.

Thanks for being my friend, Eric.