September 15-21 Practice Running

Monday, September 15, 2014, 4:27 pm

6.45 mi, 262 ft gain, 1:01:26. Road to Wallace Falls State Park TH & back, solo. New Balance MR10v2.

It was around 92 degrees when I started and very little shade on this route. Too hot for a road run with the dogs. My groin loosened up more quickly than the past few days. Settled into a relatively easy tempo.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 4:16 pm

6.44 mi, 293 ft gain, 1:12:13. Kellogg Lake Tree Farm Gate #1, with dogs. Altra Superior 1.5 Blue.

Took it pretty easy. Was looking to get about 5 mi. More bad running math. For some reason adding 1 mi each way out and back to a 4 mi loop made sense. No harm though. I felt pretty good with the groin better than Monday. The out and back was on the road connecting to the gate #2 road, just to the beginning of the hill. Then a stop at Olney creek. It was warm and I could tell the dogs could use the cool down. Then around the loop and back to the car. Just about no matter how far into a run I am going clockwise around this loop, I always feel good for the last .75 mi or so of the loop. It’s not particularly scenic and the road has a pretty good crown. Whatever it is, I’ll take it.


Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 3:26 pm

3.1 mi, ft gain, 29:28. Green belt in town, with dogs. New Balance MR10v2.

No groin issues during the run. Decided to dial back the mileage on my runs leading up to the 7 hour run on Sunday. I’ll keep it pretty flat until then as well. Grabbed a large apple from a tree in the park on the way back home. Finished about half of it by the end of the run. Pretty tasty.


Thursday, September 18, 2014, 4:19 pm

3.17 mi, 33 ft gain, 28:52. Road through town, with dogs. New Balance MR10v2.

No problems at all with the groin today. Still a very slight soreness pushing my left leg inward, but almost gone. My legs were a little heavy today. I’m not sure why. It rained earlier, but held off during the run. Finished the last 100m or so reasonably fast to stretch out the legs. Felt good and sort of surprised at the pace I hit briefly given the effort.


Friday, September 19, 2014, 3:32 pm

3.16 mi, 35 ft gain, 31:05. Green belt in town, with dogs. New Balance MR10v2.

It was warmer today than expected. About a mile into the run, Vida was already lagging behind a little. She seems to be more sensitive to the heat. They’re both black, so neither does great in the heat in direct sunlight. So I went across the RR tracks to the river side. Trees line the river, so there was plenty of shade. Vida did a little better there. After the turnaround, I took the dogs down to the river for a quick dip. Almost hit a sprint the last 100m, but couldn’t get the dogs to turn up the speed anymore. These short runs through town are getting old. One more before race day.


Saturday, September 20, 2014, 3:45 pm
3.19 mi, 33 ft gain, 32:17. Green belt in town, with dogs. Altra Superior 1.5 Red.

Down to the river for the dogs on the way out this time. A little warmer today than yesterday. They held up fine though. Let them off leash for the last little bit so they wouldn’t slow me down for my sprint finish. Kind of cool to outrun the dogs. If it were cooler out, and/or there was some little critter they wanted to catch, I have little chance of beating them.


Sunday, September 21, 2014, 8:02 pm

43.77 mi, ~500ft gain, 6:58:23. Sri Chinmoy Self Transcendence 7 Hour Race at Magnuson Park, solo. Altra Superior 1.5 Blue.

Had a great run. Personal best distance and length of time run. Officially 42.784 mi, but GPS said 43.77. Full report to follow.


Weekly totals: 69.3 mi, 1190 ft gain.

As well as my single longest run ever, I beat my previous best weekly mileage by a little over 9 mi. Looking forward to getting back to the trails and running up mountains soon.