August 25-31 Practice Running

Monday, August 25, 2014, 6:56 pm

3.3 mi, 179 ft gain, 35:49. Kellogg Lake Tree Farm Gate #1, with dogs. Altra Lone Peak 1.5

A little sore from the weekend, but not too bad. Feel better after the run than before. About half the run to loosen up.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014,  7:25 pm

5.1 mi, 526 ft gain, 59:39. Kellogg Lake Tree Farm Gate #2, with dogs. Altra Superior 1.5

Felt about the same as yesterday. Warmed up a little quicker. Short climb felt good.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014, 6:12 pm

6.33 mi, 265 ft gain, 54:36. To Wallace Falls State Park and back, Solo. New Balance MR10V2

Nothing eventful happened during my last two days of running, but my ankles both had little twinges, left more so. So I stuck to roads for today’s run. Slow going at first, but warmed up after a little over a mile. Felt great by the bottom of the hill coming back from the park. Decided to try to pass a couple of people on bikes. Now I kind of feel bad about it. They were out of shape, and I hope I didn’t discourage them.

The run felt great, no discomfort. Took one handheld. Finished by the park. Refilled there and had 3/4 by the time I got home. Finished the rest walking around the yard afterwards. Dripping with sweat and it feels great.

Thursday, August 28, 2014, 7:09 pm

5.2 mi, 254 ft gain, 49:51. Kellogg Lake Tree Farm Gate #1, with dogs. Altra Lone Peak 1.5

Took it relatively easy. Dogs splashed around in the creek, played fetch a little.

Friday, August 29, 2014, 6:52 pm

5.33 mi, 46 ft gain, 47:23. Ellensburg Iron Horse State Park, with dogs. Altra Superior 1.5

Visiting family. Out for an evening run. It’s really flat out here. It’s quite windy too.

Saturday, August 30, 2014, 9:44 pm

3.17 mi,  <20 ft gain, 22:25. Through town, Solo. New Balance MR10V2

First run in the dark and rain in a while. The rain felt good. Warmup first mile. Cranked up the pace after that. Mile splits 8:17, 7:03, 6:14. Last .17 was at 5:58/mi pace. Strava estimated best efforts: 2 mi 13:05, 1 mi 6:11, 1 km 3:43, 1/2 mi 2:59. Made my actual 2 mi PR and near my best 1 mi time going all the way back to 7th or 8th grade. I think I could have run a little faster that last mile too. I haven’t worried about speed, so I’m not that sure about pacing for all out efforts. Based on today, I’m confident I can beat my previous 5k race PR of 21:58. I might be closer to my current 5k goal than I thought as well, sub 20min.

Sunday, August 31, 2014, 6:37 pm

10.02 mi, 751 ft gain, 1:45:05. Kellogg Lake Tree Farm #4, with dogs. Altra Lone Peak 1.5

I always feel so slow starting out at this spot. Wet feet most of the time from last night’s rain and the overgrowth on the old logging roads. I overestimated how much daylight I had left and had to cut it short by 2 miles since I didn’t bring a light. Still ended up going through some overgrown trails between roads in pretty low light. Managed not to trip or roll an ankle, and I tend to be a little less sure footed in the Lone Peaks than lower stack height shoes.

No more swelling in the left ankle. Still slightly stiff on climbs and descents. Might stick to minimal climbs and less technical terrain next week too.

Weekly Totals: 38.4 mi, 5h 28m, 2024 ft gain.

Monthly Totals: 188.7 mi (PR), 31h 27m, 33,120 ft gain.